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Report Schedule
The  Report Schedule  is used to generate and email PDF reports on a scheduled basis. 

  1. Create New/Edit Report Schedule . See figure 1 below.
  2. Add/Edit Report Schedule . See figure 2 below 


  1. Document Template is used to define the email body.
  2. The Document Template can be edited to the "Email To", "Email CC" and "Email BCC" addresses.
  3. The email addressed can be separated by a semi-colon ";" to add multiple recipients.
  4. The reports will be automatically emailed based on the configured frequency. 
  5. Reports that do not contain data will not be emailed. The status of the email will be updated to "No Data".

Mailing Setup

  1. Set "EnableScheduler" to "Yes" in the web config file.
  2. Set the "System Operating Mode" to "Live" in the LinkWEB configuration.  

Steps to Setup Report Schedule

  1. User should have access to "Report Schedule" . Access is enabled under "Role Menu Access ".      
  2. Set the mail setting and SMTP in the web config file.
  3. Click on "Add New Schedule" to create a schedule on the "Report Schedule" menu. Refer to Figure 1.
  4. Click on "Edit" to configure details.Refer to Figure 2.
    1. Description - This is user defined. Users can enter preferred text.
    2. Subject - This is free text field, users can enter the subject for the report emailed.
    3. Email To - Enter the email address to whom the email should be sent.
    4. Frequency - Frequency is to schedule the reports for emailing. It is the "Interval" at which emails will be sent. This is set under the "Frequency" menu.
    5. Email Send Mode - Set the mode as "Automatic" to allow the system to send emails.
    6. Next Run Date - This is "Date and Time", the report will be emailed. This will be updated based on the frequency.
    7. Active - Tick the check box to enable the schedule.
    8. Report Selection - Select the report to email.
    9. Email Report Option:
      1. "PDF Attachment to each customer or employee" will send email to every customer or employee on the system.
      2. "PDF Attachment will be emailed to the user running the report" will only send email to the selected user. Refer to item number 10 below.
    10. Run report as user - Select the user with who the report is being generated. User needs to have access to the company.
    11. Date From/To Type and Date From/To Offset is dependent on each other.
      1. Example the Date From/To Type is selected as "Day" and Next Run Date is set "27/09/2017", if
        1. Date From/ To Offset is set as 0 - Current day report will be emailed, i.e. "27/09/2017",
        2. Date From/ To Offset is set as -1 - Prior day report will be emailed, i.e. "26/09/2017",
        3. Date From/ To Offset is set as 1 - Future day report will be emailed, i.e. "28/09/2017", 
    12. Set the report "Filters" of the report under "Report Parameter".
  5. Click on Save.

Figure 1: Report Schedule Maintenance Screen



Figure 2: Add/Edit Report Schedule